Recent Updates: Gender Justice Brunch photos and more news!

November 2, 2023

Thanks to all who attended the first inaugural Gender Justice Brunch! If you missed it, or want to relive the energizing and inspiring gathering, photos from the brunch are up on our website now.

Gender Justice staff and board members would like to extend a deep gratitude to all guests and to our generous sponsors, including Ciresi Conlin LLP and Wanta Thome PLC, without whom our inaugural brunch would not have been possible. We look forward to hosting another fabulous event in 2024, and hope to see you there!

Make Your Plan to Vote on Tuesday, Nov 7!

Across the country, hundreds of locally elected city council and school board members have targeted LGBTQ+ students and families, sought to rewrite history, controlled what libraries can have on their shelves, and more. Read more or listen to Gender Justice’s podcast about what’s at stake in this year’s local elections.

On Tuesday, November 7, it is vital we show up to the polls and make it clear that Minnesotans stand against these attacks on our rights.

Find out who is on your ballot, where to vote, and make your plan to vote using the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Website.

Beginning again. Again.

Sara Jane Baldwin, Senior Staff Attorney at Gender Justice, is training to run 50 miles and raising $2,000 for Gender Justice! Here’s where you can donate.

On her blog, she writes, “I will be fundraising in honor of my mother… Much of my mother’s life’s work was focused on activism and service related to issues that Gender Justice works to tackle every day. She would be thrilled – and so proud – that this is where I’ve landed as an attorney.”

Read more about her journey and motivation on her blog here.

Virtual Trans Equity Training

Join us for our monthly Trans Equity Training series, where participants learn how best to talk about issues affecting people who are transgender, find ways to take action to combat the rising tide of violence against trans people, and meet others who are passionate about the fight for trans equity and empowerment.

All genders, all allies welcome.

Sign up for the next meeting on Thursday, November 16 at 5:30 pm over Zoom.

Thank you for reading!
–The Gender Justice Team

Now is the Moment to Fight for Our Rights

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