Recent Updates: Fighting for a powerful ERA, new Title IX rules, and more

April 26, 2024

From working to finish strong in this year’s Minnesota legislative session, to taking on deceptive crisis pregnancy centers, Gender Justice has been busy in the fight for gender equity. Here’s a wrap of what’s new:

Moving the ERA Across the Finish Line

Our legislative session in Minnesota is entering its final weeks, and the time to let our representatives know that we need the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passed is now. If Gender Justice’s recommended language is passed, Minnesota’s ERA would be one of the nation’s most powerful state equal rights amendments, adding to our constitution protections for both abortion and gender affirming care, while also securing some of the most powerful anti-discrimination protections possible.

Join us in writing your representative today to tell them that our rights, health, and autonomy are not up for negotiation, and that we must pass the strongest version of the Minnesota ERA.

New Title IX Rules Protect LGBTQ+ Students

The Biden Administration has issued its final Title IX rules which clarify that Title IX forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in schools or educational programs that receive funding from the federal government. This could be a significant step forward for protecting LGBTQ+ students, but at least four states have directed schools to ignore the regulations.

Erin Reed gives the full report here.

Support Birth Justice Legislation

Our partners at the Birth Justice Collaborative MN are leading the effort for state grant funding for an American Indian-focused Birth Center (HF 4935 / SF 4992) and an African American-focused Homeplace (HF 5108 / SF 5171)! The Birth Justice Collaborative is an African American and American Indian led coalition advancing community maternal health by addressing barriers of structural racism, and reconnecting with cultural strengths and wisdom. Representatives need to hear from constituents that this funding should be prioritized.

This form will let you email your legislator directly with a customized message about why you support birth justice.

In Case You Missed It: New CPC Complaint Filed

On Tuesday, Campaign for Accountability filed consumer complaints in five states including Minnesota raising concerns about crisis pregnancy centers’ deceptive data collection and privacy practices. We are excited to see this action taken, and urge Attorney General Keith Ellison to vigorously investigate the client health data practices of these anti-abortion, unregulated pregnancy centers. Read the story here.

Gender Justice Sponsorship Opportunities

Have a business or know a business that wants to support Gender Justice? Sponsorship opportunities are available for our fall brunch, public events, and The Gender Justice Brief podcast. Reach out today to learn more! Contact: [email protected]

Forward Together: Rally for Equal Rights

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