Gender Justice Featured in the Minneapolis Star Tribune!
The article, by the Star Tribune's Stephen Montemayor, is a beautiful overview of our work for gender equity. We're thrilled that Stephen included some of our brave clients and generous co-counsel partners in the article, too. And we hope that our many Gender Justice supporters feel proud of all we've accomplished together!
Executive Director Megan Peterson, left, with Gender Justice Co-Founders and Senior Counsel Jill Gaulding, center, and Lisa Stratton, right. Photo by Renee Jones Schneider, [email protected]. From the Star Tribune article by Stephen Montemayor, “Using law and science, a St. Paul nonprofit tests big gender questions,” Feb 6, 2017.
The key to our continued success, especially in the current political climate and shifting legal landscape, is you. As Megan says in the article, “We need you now more than ever!” isn’t just a fundraising pitch — it’s the truth.
The fight for gender justice has always been an uphill battle, but recently, the climb has become even steeper. Together, we’ll keep climbing.
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