Join Us for Reproductive Freedom Lobby Day
Are you passionate about ensuring every Minnesotan has access to abortion? Do you believe in fighting for gender equity through the basic freedom to make decisions about our own healthcare? Do you want to make sure our lawmakers join us in this fight?
Join Gender Justice, UnRestrict Minnesota, and NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota for Reproductive Freedom Lobby Day 2020! We are bringing together activists and advocates from across Minnesota to tell our legislators why abortion access and reproductive freedom are important to you.
We’ll start the day with a How to Lobby 101 workshop followed by meetings with your legislators. Use this opportunity to thank your representative for their support (or if your representative is anti-abortion, encourage them to support our right to access abortions and make decisions about our own bodies).
Then, at 2:00 PM, join us all for a rally in the Capitol’s Rotunda to speak out about maintaining, and expanding, access in Minnesota – we’ll have signs ready for you!