This week at Gender Justice: dignity for transgender people in custody, in the news, and more
As we anxiously await the Supreme Court decision that will overturn Roe v. Wade, our work to advance gender equity through the law is as important as ever.
June 10, 2022
Dear Friend,
As we anxiously await the Supreme Court decision that will overturn Roe v. Wade, our work to advance gender equity through the law is as important as ever.
Christina Lusk is a transgender woman who is currently in the custody of the DOC. She is recognized socially, medically, and legally as female – including by the State of Minnesota. Yet, the Minnesota DOC treats Ms. Lusk as a man, simply because she is transgender. We need our systems to do better.
Gender Justice in the News
In advance of the upcoming Supreme Court decision, our leadership team has been an important voice in the public discussion about abortion rights and more. Just this week:
- Megan Peterson on “Should the government be able to force you to stay pregnant? I think that if we can refocus the conversation there about politicians interfering, politicians deciding what’s best for you having power and control over your body, your most important life decision — a lot more people can find a space under that tent.”
- Gender Justice and UnRestrict Minnesota partners on MPR: “I don’t know that right now I can safely say: ‘Oh, sure, if you need an abortion, there’s not going to be an access problem in Minnesota,’” said Jess Braverman, legal director for Gender Justice. “I think we need to continue to shore up our abortion infrastructure here.”
Preparing for the end of Roe
Our team is busy preparing for action this month – you can find more resources about events, actions, and more in a new section of the UnRestrict Minnesota site.
Join the Gender Justice Team
Channel your passion into action with the Gender Justice communications team! Applications are still open for the Digital Strategist position and Freelance Content Producers. Please share these opportunities with your networks.
Thank you for reading!
–The Gender Justice Team