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#MeToo: Public Pain, Reckoning, and Healing Through Justice
There’s a tremendous amount of pain breaking through to the surface right now. This #MeToo reckoning is bringing to light how pervasive sexual assault and harassment are in our lives.
Thank You, Kathleen!
Gender Justice’s board chair, Kathleen Murphy, will be rolling off the board at the end of 2017.
Building a New Construction Sector Across Minnesota
You know the importance of stable and fair income to all Minnesotans. But that’s not what women and people of color experience in the construction sector. Together, we’re working to change that.
Donor Spotlight: Sharon Chadwick
“I am certain she would have greatly admired the mission of Gender Justice and would be honored to have this contribution made on their behalf.”
Historic Workplace Justice Efforts Continue
Gender Justice is honored to receive a substantial donation from Workplace Justice Committee to continue in the spirit of their mission.
You’re Pregnant? You’re Fired!
When special education paraprofessional Lisa Dexter told her employer she was pregnant, she thought it was good news. But her employer ended up using it against her.
And more!
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